Monday, July 24, 2006

If listening to Pakistani music, drinking pop and a bit of dancing with 40 male colleagues is your idea of a good time then our "End-of-the-Emergency" party was a great success. I put out word that anyone trying to make me dance wouldn't receive their salary this month and was left safely alone. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Long time no apologies for not writing in so long. I did go to Australia and kept my own blog but its not near as factual as your is. Mine has quite a few party stories and also alot of energy facts. Unfortunately the nerd in me couldn't resist researching this out. It sounds like your really enjoying your adventure and learning some invaluable lessons and enjoying an experience of a lifetime. We are in the middle of a huge re-org, I can tell me you more if you email me! Very much enjoying your stories, I have been reading for the last half hour catching up.

Take care!
Tina and the gang

9:08 AM

Blogger Alexandra Aubertin said...

Hi Ian !
Always nice to read you !
So still surviving ? ? ?
When reading about your cool party with your 40 male colleagues, it just made me think of the Gay Pride I've been to this afternoon in Amsterdam ! a hundred of boats with gays, lesbians and drag queens dancing in surprising clothes (when they had any) !
I like imagining the contrast with what you are living now ... what a crazy world !?!!!
Let me know when you you'll be in A'dam, we'll go again for diner and catch-up stories together ! :-)

3:38 PM


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