Friday, October 06, 2006

Whose Blog is this Anyways?

My email in-box has pretty much dried-up and it has gotten to the point where I’m starting to read the spam. Of course, part of the reason may be that my friends are afraid that their notes will end-up on my blog. Like the following excerpt for instance:

“I'm sure as the countdown to your departure approaches you are already getting nostalgic for the things in Pakistan you will miss...

Ya...well... anyway. Charlie's favorite cartoon is a show about a kid growing up in suburban Vancouver. He's got crazy brothers and a crazy family, and he's a huge Canucks fan (favorite player Trevor Linden has guested on a couple shows). Just to cap off the weirdness the show is called "Bein Ian", and the TV Ian doesn't seem to have great luck with women... of course he's only 12... and a cartoon character. Charlie is looking forward to watching it with you when you get back.

How about those Canucks! (…) Actually I think the Canucks will be exciting. Alain Vigneault was probably the best coach in the AHL last year, and I'm sure he will be again one day (…).

Talk to you later,


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