The Pearl of the Orient
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, has long been known as the Pearl of the Orient. We have really enjoyed our time here, but if we were to be truly honest we would say that the actual pearl has been the hotel that we've been staying in, the Plantation Urban Resort and Spa.
One of the great things about Southeast Asia is not that you can travel quite cheaply, but that for a bit more money you can live quite luxuriously. Although at times I have to remind myself that I'm no longer a 25 year-old backpacker and I don't have to rough it, it isn't hard for me to overcome my Scottish instincts and pay a bit more when I can see the value. The Plantation is such a nice spot that not only did it bring our exploration of Cambodia to a stop (why go to the coast when we have an awesome pool here?), but if we didn't have Thipp's family and an apartment of stuff in Vientiane we might have never returned to Laos.
Thipp has exclaimed more than a few times that she has never lived in such luxury. I can tell from the gleam in her eyes that this time won't be the last. She has also turned into a bit of a shopping diva, explaining how much money she's saving me on the dresses she buys.
Alex has also enjoyed his stay in Phnom Penh. He currently appears to be simultaneously on the verge of crawling, walking and swimming. He has been a very popular at the Plantation, amongst both the staff and other guests, as he is one of the few in the under-40 crowd. Returning to Canada will surely be a tough adjustment for Alex as he will no longer be the centre of attention, have contact with so many other kids, or be able to ride in a car or tuk-tuk without a carseat. We took Alex to a playground last evening and although he couldn't do much, it occurred to me that my baby was on the verge of becoming a little boy.
We have seen a fare bit of Phnon Penh, although I'm embarrassed of some of what we've missed. However, I suspect that we will return. The weather is very hot and Alex does need his morning and afternoon naps, so although we have ventured-out, it isn't long after that we are rushing back to our Pearl of the Orient.
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