Sunday, August 23, 2015

Czeching out Prague

Prague is an interesting city, with loads of history, great architecture, and tasty and inexpensive beer.  However, what I've learned during the past few days is that Prague has some really good playgrounds, that exploring the old city and the castle district crowded with tourists is pretty tiring when you have a three year-old who wants to be carried (although to his credit, he did climb a lot of steps up to Prague Castle and St Vitus Cathedral), and that the beer still tastes good even when you have to buy it in a store and drink it in your room, as I'm doing at this very moment.

We've been on the road now for just over three weeks and we're learning what travel strategies work best for us.  Longer stays are preferable as we can still see some of the sites while ensuring that we find sufficient activities for Alex plus fit in his nap.  If Alex is happy then we're all happy.

We've had some "interesting" accommodation experiences so far.  Upon our second visit to Copenhagen we had to bail on a filthy apartment booked via AirBnB and quickly find a hotel (which turned out to be quite nice and located right on historic Nyhavn.  Our current apartment in Prague is really nice, but the battery operated room lock went out of commission forcing one of us to stay in at all times for fear of being permanently locked out.  We are in a new room now and have learned some lessons for screening future accommodation.

Tomorrow we leave for a week in Vienna, Austria.  Apparently, the apartment we are renting is close to a large park with a zoo.  Hopefully it has a playground.   After that we are off to Croatia.  At least that is the current plan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you are all having a great time! Enjoy reading your blog Can t wait to see more pics and hear about your adventures. Zoos and all. We are in need of your email address Ian as some questions re some mail we have received. Our email address is Take care. Safe travels and fun experiences. Bruce and pat:)

9:00 PM


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