Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Gym

Not long after arriving in Phuket, once we had Alex settled into his pre-school, Thipp and I decided to join a gym.  We visited two in our area and chose one called Action Point Fitness because it is a five minute walk from our house and it offers classes for hot yoga (for Thipp) and cross fit (for me). We've been going for over a mont now, during the morning while Alex is at school, and have quite enjoyed it.

The second floor of the building is for weight lifting.  It's pretty intimidating with all the large muscled bodies, the tattoos, and the testosterone, and that it is just the women.  It seems that many have spent years in training just so that they could come to Thailand and spend more time lifting weights.  I've only been in this area twice so far.

The third floor has the cardio equipment and this more my speed.  It also seems the place to be for older white who are desperately trying to stay mobile for their much younger Asian wives, so I am in good company (although on that note, Thipp's and my age difference is relatively insignificant compared to the average here, making Thipp to be the equivalent of a cougar).

The top floor has a lovely restaurant with a spectacular view and an infinity pool.  It seems hardly used because it is too expensive.  However, there is a note on the wall saying that if you give the gym a 4-star rating on TripAdvisor that you can have a free protein shake.  A small price for one's integrity.

Thipp has really enjoyed the hot yoga and met some nice people.  The cross fit for me is a whole other blog story.  So over-all we have been really happy with the gym.  However, I won't be giving it 4-stars.


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