Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The End

All good things must come to an end and that is also true for my Blog. While my return to Canada may not necessarily mean the end of my mid-life crisis, it certainly concludes an eventful chapter. So now seems like an appropriate time to sign-off and put my Blog into retirement.

At the risk of making this the blogging equivalent of the final episode of Seinfeld I will try to be brief. Although I didn’t have any great expectations when my Blog was first established, it has turned-out to be an excellent venue for sharing my experiences during the past two years while living in Kenya, Pakistan and Zambia. It has been a pleasant surprise to me how much I’ve enjoyed writing about my adventures and from what I understand from my readers it has been an even greater surprise to them that I could actually write.

One of my guiding principles in life is that when I’m an old man and they put me in a home for the elderly I want to have more stories to tell than the guy sitting next to me. Over the past two years I’ve have posted over one hundred stories and many more photos on my blog site. I should have a few good stories to tell the old-timers.

So ends this chapter of my mid-life crisis and with it this blog. Thanks for having read along.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure for us to read you my dear ! I really liked your stories and the way you were telling them !
I wish you all the best in your new old life in Canada...
Things will be "same same but different" as they like to say in Asia ...
Take care and see you around somewhere sometimes !

Alexandra A.

2:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ian,

It was a great surprise on the cover of Beyond Numbers. It's been quite a few years since we've been in touc and it sounds like you are having a much more exciting time than we are. Just wanted to say hi and wish you all the best.

Suzanne & Lach MacPherson (your old (literally) UFE study-mates

11:07 AM


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