Now What?
We returned to Vancouver in early November and have been slowly re-adjusting our body clocks. We weren't tired of travel, but we were tired of being on the move on a regular basis, so it has been nice to stay put for a while. However, we know that we aren't finished yet.
I still don't have an assignment with MSF. There were a number of possibilities over the past couple of months (Somalia/Kenya, Lebanon, and Bangladesh), but nothing happened in the end. I was fine with this as I wasn't totally thrilled with any of the options. I'm still optimistic that something will work out and as I learned long ago with MSF I need to be flexible and patient.
It's raining in Vancouver and we have no commitments for at least the next few months. So at the beginning of December we depart to live in Phuket, Thailand. Recognizing that we are tired of being on the move the plan is to stay in one place and to live a more regular life. In addition, we know that Alex needs to spend more time with kids his own age, so we will sign him up for pre-school. It will be good for him and also good for Thipp and I.
So the plan is to live in Thailand for at least two months. From there we will wait to see if MSF eventually come-up with something. If not, we will come home...eventually.