Monday, May 22, 2006

CMT Meeting

This past weekend was a busy one for us in Islamabad, as there was a Country Management Team (CMT) meeting held on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. This was attended by the Islamabad coordination members (Medical, Logistics, Finance and Head of Mission) and the five Project Coordinators. It reminded me of some of the BC Hydro department management meetings I’ve attended over the years, including the lack of excitement that people showed for my area of responsibility. Another parallel was that I got to record the meeting minutes.

In addition to the CMT there were also several other MSF Expats in town. Three of them were leaving for holidays in Sri Lanka and one was arriving to start his new assignment. In total there were 15 Expats at our Saturday night dinner, representing 9 countries [Canada (4), Britain (3), Australia (2), New Zealand, Columbia, USA, Poland, Germany and the Netherlands]. To have slightly more than 50% of our Expats at one place at the same time was pretty unusual and for some it was their first chance to meet.

It was nice to see everybody and quite a bit was accomplished. However, it was also kind of nice to see them go. The office is quiet again and now that the dust has settled I will review what action items I got tagged with. However, if any of my tasks were accidentally omitted from the minutes I can blame it on the person who recorded them.


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